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PROJECT: Tastykake
4300 South 26th Street, Philadelphia PA

The new, 345,000-square-foot home of Tastykake was a LEED certified project that featured an energy-efficient HVAC installation and included conditioning Tastykake’s new bakery and its corporate headquarters. We were required to include systems to serve the high bay warehouse / manufacturing along with the mezzanine area that includes a raised walkway, visitor viewing area, offices and gift shop. This project featured 600 tons of air conditioning the installation utilized rooftop units, VAV terminals, unit heaters, exhaust fans, makeup air and a BAS system to provide the HVAC system under the LEED guidelines.

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1300 Viriginia Drive
Suite 403
Ft. Washington, PA 19034

phone 215-242-8100

Proudly Serving the Tri-State Area since 1954